Friday, May 23, 2014

Fit Fridays: Roasted Green Beans

Good evening everyone! It's Friday! And I thought I would share with you all one of my favorite green bean recipes. This is a quick, delicious and simple recipe that anybody could do. Serve it with some grilled chicken, steak, tilapia, salmon or whatever your heart and tummy desires :) I ate mine with a boiled egg for a snack. Hope you all enjoy.

Roasted Green Beans

•Green Beans- Cleaned and dried
( I used a small bag that had already been pre-washed).

• 2 Tbsp Olive Oil

• 1 Tsp Garlic Powder 

• 1 Tsp Onion Powder

• 1 Tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper

• A dash of Red Pepper Flakes

•Step 1- Preheat oven to 400 degrees
•Step 2- Clean green beans, and cut off ends. 
•Step 3- In a bowl combine, green beans, olive oil, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Mix well. Be sure to coat each green bean evenly.
•Step 4- On a lined baking sheet, spread green beans into an even layer, then bake   For 10 mins, flip and bake for 10 minutes or desired crispness. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Motivational Mondays : Your Plan or God's Plan?

Good Morning Everyone, I recently came across the picture on Instagram and it made me laugh, smile, cry, and filled my heart with joy all in the same beat. 

I can't count how many times I've had a "plan" for my life, thinking everything would run smoothly, it'll all be peaches and cream and before you know it, I would be at the finish line, celebrating my victory. Yeah right! If only life really happened in that matter.

Yes, we can have a plan that does align with God's plan. But maybe you may have a goal that "you" had planned to met in 6 months, but In "God's" plan, that goal could take 2 years for you to achieve. 

I know what some of you all may be thinking, but why would God make me wait 2 years to achieve my goal, I know because I've asked the same question and at times when I'm going through a certain situation where my faith is tested I still struggle with those same questions. 

But what I have learned through my own experiences, God does want us to achieve the goals and desires of our heart. But if achieving our goals was just as easy as running from start to finish, how many of us would actually appreciate that journey or accomplishment when everything is said and done? This is what I find so beautiful about God's plan vs our own plan. He allows certain challenges, and trials tribulations to happen so that it may strengthen us mentally, test our faith, and our Trust in him. So when it is time to reach the finish line so to speak, we have a greater appreciation of the outcome. We've come out stronger, undefeated and have a strong sense of gratitude for God keeping his word and helping us through our journey to the finish line.

So when you are going through life, and you hit those obstacles, and those things that appears like that are trying to defeat you. stay strong! Don't Give Up! Your victory is coming  soon! Don't listen to the nay Sayers because they don't understand "your" vision. If you just stay in faith, and keep climbing those mountains and crossing those valleys, trust me, you WIlL make it to that finish line. :) 

Please Comment, share, pin and subscribe. I would very much appreciate it. 

Have a Blessed Day,

Follow me on Instagram @allthingsjazzy

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Heart to Heart: Following My Passion / I'm Back!!! :D

I can't believe it has been 2 years since I've posted on this blog! What a shame! Lol! I just hope that since I'm back to blogging, I can stay more consistent these days. With that being said, I am glad to be back blogging and excited to share some things with you all. Within my 2 year hiatus, I must say, I've grown a lot! Went through ups, went through downs, but the best thing I went through over the past couple of years, was my awakening to life and purpose of my life.

For years I've always wondered, what on earth, was I supposed to do with my life. Even as a child, I can remember sitting in class trying to scramble up ideas of what I wanted to be "when I grew up".The problem was, I never really knew. I knew I didn't want to be a veterinarian like most of my peers, hell.. I'm frightened of the pigeons that surround my car at Walmart! I knew becoming a doctor or nurse was definitely out of the question because when it comes to me and blood.. Let's just say blood wins every time and I'm somewhere passed out on the ground. :P

I had talents, I could dance, hum a little tune, but it was nothing that I was passionate about or felt like it gave my life meaning. The only thing I knew for a fact, of what I wanted (as a child and my early adulthood) was to be a great mom and wife and that I wanted to help people in the world. I didn't know how or what avenue of where I wanted to help people but I've always had this strong desire to help others in the world.

Back in spring of 2011, I had just given birth to my son, in college (oh, need I mention failing every class) and just unclear about what it was I was here on this earth for. Here I was a single mom, with this newborn baby and not a clue of what my future was going to be like. College obviously wasn't for me because I was flunking out of every semester. But I was always taught that in order to have a good job and be able to provide for my family, I had to go to college, get a degree, that would lead to a good career. I had no idea the kind of career I wanted or if I could have a career at all now due to my circumstance as a newly single mother. I was lost, in and out of depression and searching for answers. During that time, I just remember praying to God, asking Him to guide and me in the direction that He wanted my life to go. And to awaken me to my purpose. 

It was early in the morning on my last day of my spring semester. I  woke up with a heavy heart, dealing with the pressure of trying to make this "college thing" work but knowing deep down inside, the college thing wasn't for me. I headed into the shower, (My only hiding place away from my son) turned on the water and just begin to cry out to God, and asking Him to tell me what it is He wanted me to do with my life. Why was I here. And just as clear as you and I talked, He spoke to me in a calm but still voice. "You are going to do work in psychology." 

Psychology?! Really.. Me?! Was my exact thoughts in that moment. I had to re-pray that prayer again, just to be sure God had the right Jasmine. And again, He spoke and said "Psychology. You are going to help people, inspire people, write books etc"

In that moment, I remember being excited that God had thought enough of me to bless me with the beautiful gift to help His people. But at the same time I was scared as hell! I didn't believe enough in myself that I could fulfill this purpose for my life. So I took the answer God gave me to prayer and tried to push way back deep in the corner of my mind. And let me tell you, that was a #fail! lol 

When I became awaken to my life's purpose, it was like my soul was trying to burst out of the seams to fulfill it's destiny. But I was trying up do everything in my power to keep the purpose in.
I wasn't ready, didn't want to be judged or just simply be vulnerable to my dreams. It's ironic that my purpose is along the fields of psychology because it took me to go through some lessons of psychology (thoughts create our realty, subconscious mind, self love,  etc)to get me to where I am today. 

So here I am, no longer running away from my dreams or destiny, no longer feeling inadequate. I am stronger, wiser and I know that I have what it takes to fulfill my life's purpose. And I'm ready to help each and every single one of you fulfill your dreams and your purpose. 

This was a just a tidbit of my story, and if you don't take anything else away from this blog post remember this, we are were placed on this earth for some reason and meaning. Some people's story is much longer than others, other's destiny is definitely different than others. Maybe your purpose will be fulfilled as a makeup artist, writer, teacher, stylist, or what have you. Please know even though you may not be able to see it or understand it, your life does have meaning. You were created to make a difference. God already equipped you with the tools and talent necessary to fulfill your dreams. So remove the
Self-doubt, forget what your circumstances looks like and go for your dreams! :) it's never too late. 

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. - Dr. Martin Luther King. 

Ps. -this is my first step :)
Thank you for reading my post and I hope that it inspires you. Please share.

See you in the next post
Jasmine :)